Friday, May 9, 2014


Our trip was a blast!!  We had so much fun.  We knew we would, but when we get together there is no predicting what we will do!  It went from dumping me on the side of the road to riding a carousel made for children to Zip lining and finding a pair of black underwear in Kelly’s pants!  God I love these girls and when we get together, world watch out!  Two years was WAY too long!

We flew into San Diego and met with Kelly at the car rental.  I was so thrilled to see her.  It felt so good to see her and catch up with her that night.  We went out to eat and then crashed at a hotel.  The next morning the three of us drove up to LA.  In while on our way we saw a school called Kelly school, so obviously we had to stop and take a picture.  We also found a place to stop and pick strawberries.  We made it to LA in about thee hours with all the stops.  We met up Erika and Brittany in LA.  She was already there because she had been hanging out with Brittany the week before.  We all met in a section of LA called Korea Town.  That alone was an adventure.  We were in LA and out of all places we were in Korea Town.  We ended up eating at a place called Mr. Pizza because we were nervous to eat anywhere else. Lol  Erika had already been drinking at the game and then when we went to Mr. Pizza she did some more with Kelly and Jason.  Well after dinner she was a little drunk and she was pushing me in my wheelchair.  Well as we were walking back to the car she hit a curb and I went flying.  I was on the concrete laughing so hard I was crying.  Brittany and Kelly saw what happened and started laughing as soon as they saw I was and Jason turned around confused as to what just happened.  He saw that I was OK, helped me back in my chair and then proceeded to torture Erika with it for the rest of the day.  Well the rest of the trip to be honest.  Haha  And to think all this happened and that was just the first couple hours of being together.

I am not going to bore you all with every detail of our ten day vacation.  There a couple things worth mentioning though.  The first night that we went to Santa Monica turned out to be crazy fun.  We found an amazing place to have dinner.  We went in with sweaters because to our surprise it was pretty chilly with the wind.  Inside the food was delicious and the music was perfect.  They were playing all our favorites and then “Margaritaville” came on.  When we were about to leave they played “Walking on Sunshine”.  Erika and Kelly have a background story to the song so they got all into and started dancing.  The people that were working loved our energy.  After the song was over we walked out the door and the wind was really strong.  This time the wind was warm!  It felt so cool.  We found out they are called the San Ana winds.  They are winds that come off of the desert instead of from the ocean.  The forecast was going to be nice and hot all week because of them.  This excited all of us because that is our kind of weather.

As we were heading down the pier Kelly tried to get into one of those small car rides.  She realized she must have grown quite a bit since the last time she tried to get in one because it wasn’t happening.  This didn’t stop us from getting on a kiddy carousel that was way too small for us.

We had an awesome time that night.  We didn’t act like children all week, but the fun lasted the entire time.  And to be honest, who cares how we acted.  We weren’t hurting or annoying anyone, and you only live once!

In the LA area we went to the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, went to Hollywood Blvd, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, did a beach day at the Santa Monica pier, stopped at some famous houses including Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s house and the Charmed house and then headed up the coast towards Santa Cruz.

We drove up there and did a zip lining tour.  This was the highlight of our trip.  We had no idea it was going to be as fun as it was.  The tour guides were super friendly and hilarious, the trees were majestic and the views were breathtaking.  Plus we had Kelly with us and she made the tour a little more memorable for all of us.

Right at the beginning of the tour she was walking across a bridge.  Erika and I were already across and Jason was behind her.  He said he was staring at her leg because there was a big buldge in her pants.  He was thinking what kind of fashion is this?  So he reached in her pant leg and pulled out a pair of black undies.  HAHA  He was telling us all about it when they got across the bridge.  The one tour guide Adam who saw the whole thing was laughing as Jason was telling us.  The other tour guide Jack was laughing and bushing as he was hearing Jason tell us.  Adam was like, “Wow you got Jack blushing her already and we haven’t even started yet.” 

The tour took a little over two hours.  It sure went by fast and we were sad that it was over.  We knew we couldn’t do another tour so we tried to take our tour guides to the beach with us.  Sadly they still had to work the rest of the day.  I am overjoyed with the memories that we made there and also how we have most of it on tape.  We decided to pay an extra $30 for a video camera.  It was totally worth it.  The only thing I regret about that is the decision to turn it off between zips at the beginning.  We were told that the battery might not make it the whole time so turn it off to conserve.  We were close to it dying at the end so maybe it was a good decision, but we still had 4 GB of space left.  Oh well the footage we have is still precious.  Here is a little clip from Jason doing the zip over the creek.

We really didn’t want to continue on from Santa Cruz.  We found out there was so much to do there, but we had plans to head up to San Francisco so we continued with that.  San Francisco is a pretty city, but I honestly didn’t care for it.  It is way too cold for me.  A friend of ours that lives up there said it normally doesn’t get above 65 or 70 degrees at the water so people don’t go to the beach there.  Not that there is much of beach there.  I couldn’t live that close to the ocean and not be able to enjoy it.

We stayed there for a couple days and then Kelly had to leave back to Florida.  I hated to see her go.  Jason, Erika and I weren’t leaving until Tuesday, but she had to get back to work for Monday so she left us early Sunday morning.  After she left Jason, Erika and I headed back to LA.  We weren’t staying in the cold anymore.  We hit a few more beaches and stopped at Downtown Disney for dinner one night.  We still had a good time, but were definitely missing Kelly.

When Tuesday came we were all looking forward to getting home.  We weren’t necessarily looking forward to heading back to New York just looking forward to going home and back to some kind routine.  I love vacations, but I was missing my bed, kitty and relaxing on my couch.  So now we are home and boy am I tired.  It is taking a few days to recover from all of that, but it was totally worth it!!!! 

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