Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Man, I Wanna be Productive

I came home Friday and was on antibiotics until today.  My doctors wanted me to do a full two weeks of antibiotics.  I would have just finished it at the hospital, but I really wanted to be home for Jason's birthday.  He took a half day for his birthday so he picked me up and we went to Family Video.  We rented Men in Black and Men in Black II.  The third one came on his birthday and we wanted to go and see it after re-watching the first two.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Approved for Listing

I got the phone call on Friday that I have been approved for a lung transplant!  I am not on the active calling list yet.  I wanted to wait and make the announcement when that happened, but it is taking a little while and I wanted to let you all know.  They are still awaiting financial approval.  When that happens I will get a call and have to give them a few numbers where I can be reached.  This is for when the lungs come in. They no longer use pagers if the person has a cell phone.  I was just told to keep it on, charged and with me at all times.  Right now I am in the process of getting setup with some organizations to fly me over to NYC when the call comes in.  I have a window of time to get there (which I am not sure exactly what that time is yet) so I am working on those arrangements. I will post again when I find out more.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

One of Us

I was raised Catholic.  I have been baptized, did communion, and I am confirmed.    I have always questioned the things I was taught ever since I was little.  I went to religion every Sunday and I remember my religion teachers coming up with answers to some of my questions.  Some of them satisfied me, but others just left me with more questions.  By the time I was in Middle School and High School I was really skeptical.  I realized at an early age the bible was flawed and if there was a God he would be completely against this bible. The bible was not written by him.  It was written by humans and humans are flawed. There are so many contradictions in the bible that if you tried to make sense of it, it would drive you mad.  The contradictions also lead to the problem of people being able to interpret it however they want.  Another problem I have with it is that it has been rewritten so many times over thousands of years who knows what the original ever said.  Just like the telephone game in a classroom.  The end sentence is nothing like the original. Think about that.  That statement has been repeated about twenty times in the time frame of a few minutes.  What can happen to something over thousands of years?

How to Save a Life

This hospitalization has been pretty uneventful.  Wednesday was not a good day for me at all.  I had a nasty fever all day and it just wiped me out.  I lied around all day and slept.  I didn't even have the energy to go on Facebook.  I did feel a lot better on Thursday.  I was still on O2, but much perkier.  I spent that day catching up on some TV shows and getting a few tests.  I also did a few other things I wasn't able to do on Wednesday.  I went on the internet, talked to a few people to let them know what was going on, took a shower, and then before I knew it, it was time for Grey's Anatomy. lol  So now that everything is caught up there I figured I would blog a little about my hospital stays.  I have seen that in my last posts I never really talk about being in the hospital so I figure I will give a little insight...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Winning a Battle, Losing a War

The bugs have won and I am back in the hospital.  Well technically they lost because now a majority of them are going to die, not exactly smart these one celled organisms.  I got pretty sick last week and I have been on Levoquin, but it didn't kill enough of them.  I think I waited too long to call for it.  Levoquin really took care of a lot of the infection, but just not enough to make me feel better.  I will have to get it faster next time.  One day I would be fine and then the next I wouldn't be.  It was even hour to hour.  I would feel horrible, then feel fine, then feel horrible again.  I got tired of it and decided to just come in.  Why sit and suffer for a few weeks?  Yeah I am coming in more and more often, but I would rather sit in here for a week and have a couple good weeks, then sit and struggle for weeks on end to eventually end up here anyway.  Plus I might as well be here when I feel like this.  I can't do anything or go anywhere.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Yes, I'm Ready

Jay went out with some friends tonight so I figured it was a good time to write a little.  A friend of ours is moving to Virginia and having a going away shindig.  Tonight I am really not able to go out.  I am bummed by this because I would like to see her one more time before she leaves.  However she came up to see us last weekend.  We all went out to eat and watched movies.  So at least I was able see her and hang out with her for a little while.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chariots of Fire

So there are a few things to talk about.  On April 26th I switched to liquid oxygen instead of using an oxygen concentrator all the time.  I also went to NYC for my last two tests and should know shortly if I am going to be listed.