Saturday, May 17, 2014

Busy Bodies

It has been pretty busy for me lately.  Obviously we had the trip and since then it really has been non-stop.  I took a few days to recoup and after that it seems like the days have flown by.  Mother’s Day was last weekend and then I had a bronch on Wednesday.  The bronch took a lot out of me this time for some reason. 
Last weekend Erika and I did more shopping.  This time it wasn’t for either one of us, but for our moms.  She wanted a summer dress so I was on a mission to find something nice.  We went into quite a few different stores until I found something that I liked.  I did get myself some cute earrings that I liked, but other than that I stuck to the task at hand. Lol

On Mother’s Day I went to the home to see my mother.  There I met my brother, Grandma, Papa, my step dad and mom of course.  We had a little cook-out outside in the back.  We had hamburgers, hot dogs, macaroni salad, pasta salad and some beans.  I gave my mom a card and the dress.  I am happy I spent the time and found this one.  She ended up loving it.  I gave my grandma a card and a Young and the Restless key chain we got when we went to the CBS studio in LA.  I like to include my grandma in Mother’s Day too.  She is a mother to me too.  She is my grandmother why wouldn’t I include her in today? 

It was a beautiful day to have a cook out.  The day couldn’t have been more perfect except for the fact that Jay couldn’t be there.  He was in for Florida for business.  Since our vacation he has been doing a lot of traveling.  We are going to do Mother’s Day with his mom and grandma next weekend.

Later that day I went over to visit with my Busha.  She is my dad’s grandma.  I don’t get to see her often so I try and visit her when I can.  I went over there and watched some TV with her while I went through her pictures.  I wanted to find a picture of me taking a picture of my Jaja at my graduation.  I have the picture of him taking one of me and I thought it would be so cool to have the other half.  I looked through all his pictures and wasn’t able to find it.  There is one of me standing where I was when I took the picture of him, but I did not have the camera in my hand.  I am wondering if he ever actually took a picture when I took the one of him or if the picture was lost.  Either way I am happy that I did it.  I found a lot of fun pictures to take with me.  I took them to take home and scan so I can give them back to her.

I stayed there for about two hours and then decided I was going to go home.  As I was getting in my car to go home I decided to call Erika and see what she was doing.  She wasn’t doing anything so I decided to go over to her mom’s house to visit with the two of them.  We all sat around the kitchen table and then decided to go out to eat. 

It was nice to talk with her mom because we talked a lot about my transplant.  She came up for a week with my grandma.  Even though it was ten months ago I still love to hear people talk about it.  There are days that I don’t remember at all and some things here and there that I can’t place.  I like to hear what other people day about it because everyone has different memories of different times.  I hear all the different stories for them and can kind of place them all together.  I also like to hear different peoples’ thoughts and perspectives.  Everyone interprets things differently and it all interests me.  I know some memories are hard for people to talk to me about.  Especially when they thought they were going to lose me.  I don’t want to harp too much on one person about those specific topics so I use stories from different people and piece them all together. 

On Wednesday Erika and I left for a bronch with Joe.  We left with another family today so we took the Malibu.  Joe told me that I was going to be co-pilot again.  He then said Erika could be if she wanted to.  I told her to do it because I am going to be able to be up there again sometime in the future.  She is going to be leaving for New Orleans shortly so this might be her last time to be able to come with me. 
She loved it up there.  She was asking Joe all kinds of questions about flying and he was telling her all about it.  He loves talking to people about all the stuff so it was perfect for both of them.

The bronch itself went alright, but it took me a long time to wake up and get going again.  Also when I was ready to go it was hard to get a taxi out to us because Obama was in town.  When he is in town everything becomes impossible to do.  They don’t let people in certain places at certain times so the taxi companies were able to get to us.  Finally things were over and a company was able to get to us.

When we got back to the airport there was different family going back with us.  As you can see I look horrible.  I was so tired and so ready to just go home and go to bed.  At home Erika helped me get to bed and then headed back to her home.  I don’t know why but I had a really hard time recovering from this bronch.  I am usually feeling back to normal by the end of the night.  A little tired of course, but fine for the most part.  This time though it took about two days to feel OK again.

Today Erika and Bobby left for New Orleans.  We decided against me going too even though that was the original plan.  For one reason it took me too long to recover from the bronch.  Two, we aren’t sure how long they are going to be gone and Jason’s birthday is this Sunday.  And three, Erika’s dad is going too.  There doesn’t need to be too many people going.  I was going to go to help with everything and make things a little easier.  Since her dad is going I don’t need to help them out with anything.  Part of me is bummed that I am not going with them.  I think it is the right decision though.  Like I said it took too long to recover from the bronch and to be honest I am still a little tired.  Also I don’t want to take any chance of missing Jay’s birthday.

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