Friday, October 25, 2013

Strike it Up

Wednesday I had a neurologist appointment.  I wanted to update him on everything that has happened to me in the last four months.  I haven’t seen him in more than a year.  The last appointment I had, I cancelled because I was too sick to go.  I mostly go to him for follow ups so it was one of the things that got neglected while I was sick.

Monday, October 21, 2013

High on Sunshine

Jay and I just got back home on Friday from a vacation to Florida. We had so much fun. This was my first vacation since camping in August 2012!  I have been so excited about this since Jason brought it up.  I was really looking forward to the Florida warmth, the beach and most of all KELLY!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Not Settling

The last time I blogged was when I was sick a couple weekends ago.  Well I called that Monday to see what the doctor wanted to do.  Since I was feeling better we decided that it would be fine to go to my originally scheduled appointment.  She still wanted to see an x-ray though.  On the 3rd I got one done locally so they could see it.  A nice thing about this too is we won't have to do it when we go for our appointment.  Anything to make the wait a little less for Joe.