Sunday, November 15, 2015

Too Drunk to Dream

Drinking until you are fall over drunk:  I don’t get it.  My doctors don’t want me drinking because of the meds I am on and I honestly could care less.  I never liked to drink.  I can’t stand the feeling it gave me when I started to get buzzed.  I would feel “good” for a few minutes and then want to go to sleep.  I can’t stand it when a room feels like it is spinning or if I can’t see straight.  When I drink the second I would feel anything close to it I had to stop.  Some people would give me shit for it.  Why aren’t you drinking?  Being drunk is an awesome feeling.  You are such a fun sucker.  The last one would piss me off so bad it would ruin the night for everyone.  What the hell?  You so do not have to get drunk to have a good time.  I can even get along pretty well with drunk people…to a point obviously.