Friday, April 25, 2014

California Gurls

I am so excited!  Tomorrow we are leaving for California!  This is my celebratory vacation for my lung transplant.  Originally this trip was supposed to be a Mediterranean cruise.  We changed to California due to the timing of the cruises not working and this being a lot less expensive.  I am still so excited about this.  I have never been father west than Chicago.  Tomorrow I am going as west as you can in the US.  To top it off Erika, Kelly and I are all going to be in the same place for the first time in over two years.  The last time we were all together was the camping trip we took before my transplant!

Monday, April 21, 2014

28 Candles

This has been a great last few days.  My birthday was the 17th and we have been doing something fun every day since.  Easter has fallen close to my birthday this year so between the two we have had quite a few festivities and family get-togethers.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The More We Get Together

This last week has been jammed packed with Erika and Bobby.  That is how I like it.  I started last week by playing Rock Band with them and then ended my week with Erika at the Sabres game.  Today I am alone and trying not to be sad about it so I will put my time to good use. Haha  Not that I should be too sad.  I am going to see them again for my birthday on the 17th.  I just can’t get enough of those two.  The more we get together the more I want them around.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Accentuate the Positive

I am in such a great mood.  I am exhausted from my busy day, but still feeling awesome.  My doctor’s appointment went great!  I got to see Paris and take a picture with him.  After the appointment Wings Flight stopped in Philadelphia to pick up another patient.  I have never flown into Philly so that was a sight.  When we got home after our long day Dad and I stopped at Taco Bell for a fast dinner and we met a really nice worker there.  Besides all of this the last few days have been really good so I am just ecstatic!