- I had my neurologist appointment in October. I hadn’t seen him in over a year. I only had to go there for follow ups for the most part so this is one that got put on the back burner.
- A week before I left for Naples I had an eye appointment. I hadn’t had my eyes checked in about two and a half years. I normally get them checked every two years. I was starting to notice I needed a new script, but transplant was a little more important than new glasses.
- Yesterday I went to my new gynecologist. That was a pain. Finding and researching new doctors is not an easy task. I was comfortable with the one I had and I wasn’t overly thrilled about getting a new one. My old one however no longer practiced at the office I went to and I wasn’t sure where she went. I figured it was time to get one that was closer to home anyway. I was up to date on everything it was just time to go again. For us girls it is important to keep up on that for many reasons. Plus that was something I had to keep up with for the transplant list. I am really happy with the place I picked. I liked the office woman and the nurses. The office was recommended by two different people that I know. There are multiple doctors in that office and the one I picked was recommended by a friend. I really like her. She is extremely nice, easy to talk to and I feel comfortable around her. That is really important for any doctor you see, especially a gynecologist.
- January third I have a dentist appointment scheduled. I have a cleaning every six months.
- January thirteenth I am scheduled to see my primary. I really like her, but I don’t like how long it takes to get in for an annual. I was technically due for one back in September, but when I called they said they are scheduling annuals out to January.
So as you can see I am not becoming a stranger to any of my
doctors. Going to all these doctors
appointment is no problem at all.
I would rather see the doctors in their offices than in a hospital
room. It was just a little overwhelming
setting it all up. As I was scheduling them I kept forgetting that I can do more than one thing a day now.
My pharmacies are another thing. Right now I have four different pharmacies.
- One is mail order for all of my transplant meds. This is who NY Presbyterian set me up with.
- I get my diabetic supplies from another mail order. This includes test strips, lancets, and control solution.
- I use CF Services Pharmacy for my Zenpen (enzymes). The mail order pharmacy does not carry them.
- I use Walgreen’s for immediate things like antibiotics. I am also using them for my insulin. My local CF doctors are actually taking care of the diabetes. My blood sugars are under control so unless that changes I do not want to have to get an endocrinologist.
It may seem like a lot to keep track of, but that is not
really the issue. The issue is the mail
order NYP set me up with. They have
become more of a headache than anything else.
The first time I ordered medications it went good. I ordered everything I needed and they sent
it to me. After that it went
downhill. First I called and tried to
set up an account to order meds online.
I found out this place does not have an online ordering system. I didn’t like that at all. It is the twenty first century! Why don’t they have an online ordering
system? I like the convenience of seeing
a list of my medications and being able to click on what I need. I decided I would still stick with them and
try doing it over the phone. The last day in the hospital the
resident went over all my medications with me. She said I could stay with them or switch. If I switch to a new pharmacy some
medications will more than likely be different brands from different
suppliers so it might be better to stay stick with them.
The next month I called them
on a Friday to order my medications. She
took my order and said it would be sent out Monday and to give them two days
for delivery. I didn’t get it on
Wednesday so I called. Come to find out
they didn’t send it out until that day. She
said it was going to be delivered on Thursday.
UPS normally delivers to me around 10:30 in the morning so when I did
not have my medications by 3:00, I was getting nervous. I was going to run out of Cellcept (one of my
anti-rejection drugs) Friday after my morning dose. I called about it again and they tracked it
to see where it was. They said UPS had
it and would be delivering it to me Friday.
Again I waited all day and still nothing. With it being Friday I decided to call my
coordinator and let her know what was going on.
She wrote me a script and sent it to my local pharmacy as a
precaution. I ordered from them around
6:00 because the medications were still not there. It was going to cost me about $75 for a three
day supply to hold me over until Monday.
They could not charge the insurance because the other place already
had. I was not happy about this at all,
but obviously I could not go without my Cellcept. Luckily my medications showed up at 7:30 and
I was able to cancel the order.
It turned out OK, but I was pissed. I ran out of medicine and was freaking out
about being able to have enough to get me through the weekend. It was completely unacceptable. I complained to my coordinator and told her I
was thinking about switching. She made a
complaint to the pharmacy and they called me.
The woman was very nice and apologetic.
She said this is an isolated occurrence and she would find out what
happened so it would not happen again. I
decided to give them another chance.
Last month I ordered about two weeks before I would run out. I told her what I needed and she asked me how much I still had. I told her I would be completely out that
Saturday. She replies, “OK we will mail
it out to you Thursday and you will get it Friday.” I told her no. I will be out Saturday and I
was not going to go through that again. I
wanted her to mail it out to me now so I have it. She agreed she would have it sent out right
away. When I didn’t get it after two
days I called to make sure they sent the order out. The woman on the phone said it had been sent
out, but she couldn’t track it for me. I
should try and call back the next day to talk to someone else who had the
tracking number. She wasn’t able to
access it for some reason. It came the
next day, but seriously? They couldn’t
track it for me? Plus they are going to
mail me medications so close to when I run out? No,
that is not OK with me. I don’t trust
the mail to get things delivered to me the next day. Things happen. I HAVE to take my rejection medication every
twelve hours. So I decided to have
everything switched over to Walgreens.
This way I can order online and have everything ready for me to pick up
that day if I need it. I don’t need to be
stressing about medications. I called my
coordinator and she sent it over.
I still don’t feel too well.
I am getting better, but I am not there yet. I don’t have a lot of energy and I am napping
quite a bit. My nose is getting clearer,
but my lungs are still pretty congested. My spirometry is down to 200 and the coughing is painful and annoying.
I cough quite a bit in the morning when
I first wake up. Then I will have a few
coughing fits here and there through out the day. You would think coughing would be no big deal
me, but three months of no coughing at all and OMG I hate this!
On top of all of this I am worried about my hair. When I went to NYC with Jay the shower head
did not come down and I had my port accessed.
To keep from getting it wet Jason helped me wash my hair under the
faucet. Well while he was helping me he
made a comment about how much hair came out.
He actually had a pile of hair on the side of the tub to show me. As much hair as there was I didn’t think much of
it. Once in awhile I do have a lot of
hair fall out after I wash it. The scary
thing lately is it has not been once in awhile.
A lot has been coming out every time I wash my hair and I am cleaning
out my brush a lot more frequently. I will have one day in the shower where very little comes out. This makes me think that it stopped, then the next day a lot will fall out
again. I have started to notice it when
looking at it. When I put it up in a ponytail I have noticed it is much thinner too.
This is freaking me out.
I know it sounds vain. I should be grateful for everything I have and
not complain, but come on. I am
girl! Dealing with access hair growth on
my body was one thing, but balding too?
That is just cruel. How can hair
be growing crazy yet I am losing it?
That doesn’t make sense. I am
doing a bunch of searching online about prednisone and hair loss. It is hard to know what to believe
though. Everyone has a different opinion. I will definitely be asking my doctor about
this. The timing of this sucks too. I have been planning on giving my hair to Locks
of Love at the end of the month. Erika
is coming home for a few days so we are going to do it together. This is something that I have wanted to do
for a long time. My hair was never long
enough for it though. Right now I have
the length and I really want to do this.
I better do this soon before I have nothing to give.
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