Before I talk about our hair cuts, I want to mention about my hair falling out. After I wrote my last blog I talked to my coordinator about my hair loss. She said some people do take a supplement called Biotin to help with fragile hair and nails. She didn’t reassure me much so I went on my lung transplant group on Facebook and asked them. Some people were not affected by hair loss at all while others have said that they too lost a lot of hair right after transplant. A lot of them mentioned anesthesia. It seems like for most people that lost some hair it started falling out around three months and stopped around six months. The time line fits for me. My hair started falling out in October. I just brushed it off as normal until I noticed it was happening all the time. Hopefully mine will stop like the others. There are some people that have lost a lot and it didn’t grow back. Now their hair is so thin they need wigs or extensions. The only people who have mentioned that though are on Prograf and I am on Cyclosporine.
When searching online I wanted to see if any of my
medications were the cause of my hair falling out. It seems like that is a possible side effect
of Prograf, but that is all. I actually
found that Cyclosprine is the complete opposite. An increase growth of body hair is one of the
common side effects. I always thought
that Prednisone was the cause for that.
A lot of sites say Prednisone does not do that while others don’t agree. Not sure who is correct, but I think I am
going to blame the body hair on Cyclosporine because my Prednisone amount is
low. Between what I found on the
internet and the comments from other transplant patients, I am hopeful that my
hair will stop falling out and it will thicken up again. Like I said before, it doesn’t make sense
that hair is growing fine everywhere else. Even
though we are all lung transplant patients our experiences vary. Some of us are on different medications
and not all of us needed a transplant for the same reason. Although we are all different I still feel a lot better about it now that I have talked
to them. I was really freaking out about losing my hair. Having some answers and knowledge about what is going on is helping with the anxiety a little. I don't like being completely in the dark.
Back to Locks of Love.
Like I said we had been planning this for awhile. Erika had planned to be in town for an
interview so we decided it was a good time to get together for the hair cuts as
well. She was still a little nervous
about not having enough. I knew she had
enough and I did not have time to wait.
I had to do this while I had hair and I did not want to miss out on my chance to do this.
Jason and Bobby picked her up from the airport Monday while
I was at PT. We hung out all day and
then she stayed the night. The next
morning we got up and went to the salon together. We went in and told our hairdresser exactly
what we wanted to do. She said no
problem. We both had the same hairdresser. She had someone helping her and together they
both took care of us. They made a good
team and it was almost like an assembly line. haha While the one hairdresser was cutting the
other one was washing. My hair was measured
and cut first. Then I would go to the
other hairdresser to get my hair washed while Erika was having her hair measured
and cut.

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