Besides the sad topic of death…there are a few things I want to mention about what has been going on. During my last massage we started working more on my legs. My back is in great condition. Now that I am not coughing and constantly making all those muscles tight, my massage therapist has been able to get all the knots out of my back and ribs. He is now spending more time on my legs to help with the exercises and stretching I am doing in PT. It is nice to be able to be able to move away from my back and focus on other parts of my body.
As for my healing, I am getting more of my voice back. I am using the song “Timber” as a control and I can now do the chorus and the “woooah” part. Well most of the time. Lol Sometimes my voice still cracks a little. Hey I wasn’t able to do it all a few days ago.
I am also noticing more feeling coming back in my boobs. It is really funny though because if I close my eyes and touch the center of my sternum I feel a little sensation underneath my right breast. It seems like some wires may have gotten crossed there. Haha It doesn’t bother me at all. It is actually kind of interesting to me. I was never really upset about losing feeling in my breasts. If it didn’t come back I was OK with that. I am however very happy that it is.
One last thing to mention is the oil pulling I started two weeks ago. My teeth are becoming less sensitive. I can eat cereal with cold milk more comfortably. My face is clearer and less red. I am also noticing scents around me. Although it is not really strong enough to identify I am excited to saw I can pick up on some scents! I am hoping it continues to get better.
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