During the appointment I gave her some paperwork from the CF center. They mailed me the results of my last throat swab and cultures. It said that I cultured for Pseudomonas and it was resistant to Levoquin. Levoquin is what I was given when I had that fever back in January. It seems to have done something as the PFT’s have substantially increased. She said we are not going to do anything right now because I am not showing anything wrong clinically. The bugs are either gone or they are there and not doing anything in my lungs. I feel great so why do anything invasive just to see. We will see if they are still there the next time I get a bronch.
After the appointment Gram and I got into the limo and Erika headed home. This is the service I mentioned when I went for my bronch with Dad. I gave them a call an hour beforehand and there they were right outside of the hospital. It was so convenient.
This turned out to be one awesome visit. I got great PFT’s, my doctor is overjoyed with how I am doing, we got to see Erika, and the ride to get back to the airport was easy and stress free. I can’t ask for too much better than that. Yeah the wait was a little long, but that gave us more time with Erika. ;)
PT is going great! On February 6th I went up to throwing a nine pound ball at the trampoline while in stance (feet side by side) and a five pound ball while in stride (one foot in front of the other). On February 10th she added a new exercise where I have to walk sideways while she has a rubber band around my waist. I already was walking frontwards and backwards. This works more muscles because I have to fight the resistance of the band. It reminds me of the Mario Party game on Nintendo when you have to hit the A button really fast to escape the goo. Haha

My strength, stamina and balance have all gotten so much better. I am able to do more exercises with less breaks. I am using the walker more than the wheelchair when I go out and I don't use the walker in the house at all. My balance is still not good when walking so I either have to use the furniture or my cane when in the house. My standing balance is getting really good though. I can see that with the exercises and day to day standing on my own. Back in November when I went to Naples with Gram, I had a hard time keeping my balance in the x-ray machine at the airport. You have to stand in the thing with your legs apart and your hands above your head. I would be able to get into the position and then I would have to catch myself almost immediately. They had to pat me down afterward because they were not able to get a good picture. Well yesterday I stood in that position and I was able to stand there without falling over. This made me smile. More progress.
Also yesterday I did my first laser treatment with my Remington i-Light Pro. A couple days ago I did a small test area to make sure I don’t react to it or anything. You should I have seen me, I was such a baby at first. I put the light to my leg and couldn't push the button to make it flash. I was scared it was going to hurt. I would go to push it and then chicken out. When I finally did it I felt ridiculous because I didn't feel anything. I did the test area on level four and I did my first treatment with that too. There are five levels and obviously for the best results you want to use the highest level. I figured I would be cautious on my first run. I don’t notice any chances at all. I read that I am not going to notice any change until at least the second one. I will keep you all posted on it. The only plus to this increased hair growth is my eyelashes look awesome!
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