Wednesday the 18th Dad and I went on Wings Flight to NYC for a bronc. My doctor wanted to have another one to make sure the infection was gone. She also wanted to make sure I am not rejecting. Sometimes an infection could trigger rejection. I have driven to my previous broncoscopies because I hate keeping my pilot Joe waiting. It is hard to tell him how long I am going to take because it is hard to tell when I am going to be awake from the anesthesia. I decided to try it this time though. I have had a few of these before and have a better idea of how long it takes me to wake up. This allows me to give him a better idea of how long it should take. I had just recently driven up there with Jay and didn’t have it in me to do again so soon. I was told about this bronc last minute and thankfully Joe was able to squeeze me into his schedule.
The flight there and the bronc itself went pretty smoothly. I told the doctor I had to be up relatively quickly and to give me a little less anesthesia so I can wake up quicker. We wanted to get out of there ASAP because Joe had another flight after he took us back home. There was a storm brewing and he wanted to get all of this done before that started. I woke up pretty quickly. I felt a little queasy so I asked the nurse if she had given me some Zofran. She said I got some. As we were leaving I still felt nauseated. In the limo back I was thinking about it and I think she meant I got some when I was in the bronc. I could be wrong, but I think I get some while doing the bronc and then again before I leave. I am not sure about this, but I know that I felt horrible. When we got to the airport I asked for some plastic bags just in case I threw up. I am very happy I asked for them because half way through the flight I did. It would have been horrible to throw up all over the plane. I felt bad as it was. I have never thrown up after I bronc so I know I didn’t get the necessary amount of Zofran. Next time I am going to insist on more before I leave if I have any sign of nausea. On a great note, I have received a call from transplant and there is no sign of rejection or any growth. I also received a call later that night from the limo service we used. They found my debit card and insurance card and they are going to mail them both to me right away. I don't remember taking them out of my wallet so I must have knocked them out when I took out my credit card to pay. I blame the anesthesia. Haha
I really like this limo service. Even more so after this. They offer a cheaper rate to people who come into the area with Wings Flight or Angel Flight so it is worth calling them. The drivers are so nice too. It is getting too hard to deal with the taxis outside of the hospital. It was downright ridiculous for awhile and that is why I had to find an alternative. Some of them are not the nicest or most helpful and half of them don't know where Teterboro airport is. They lie and tell you they do until you get inside the car. Then you have to give them directions or they end up taking you somewhere else. The language barrier makes things that much worse. Most of them don't speak English and when they don’t know where they are going giving directions is not an easy task. It is so much easier using this professional service and I think I am going to stick with them for now on.
I really like this limo service. Even more so after this. They offer a cheaper rate to people who come into the area with Wings Flight or Angel Flight so it is worth calling them. The drivers are so nice too. It is getting too hard to deal with the taxis outside of the hospital. It was downright ridiculous for awhile and that is why I had to find an alternative. Some of them are not the nicest or most helpful and half of them don't know where Teterboro airport is. They lie and tell you they do until you get inside the car. Then you have to give them directions or they end up taking you somewhere else. The language barrier makes things that much worse. Most of them don't speak English and when they don’t know where they are going giving directions is not an easy task. It is so much easier using this professional service and I think I am going to stick with them for now on.

I didn’t get to see everyone I wanted to so I will have to come back here soon. I will more than likely wait until spring or summer though. Flu season is coming and I need to keep my distance from places like these. Speaking of which I still have not gotten my flu shot. I was supposed to get it sometimes between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I couldn’t get it earlier than that because my immune system was too weak to make antibodies from the vaccine. It would have been a waste to get it. Now my immune system is strong to make antibodies. I haven't gotten though because of the infection. Now that things are looking good I should be able to get it here soon.
Later on Friday a friend of mine from high school came over to visit. I haven’t seen her in quite a long time. She came over for dinner and then we did a little Christmas shopping. She and Jason both share a niece so she was going to help me pick out some gifts for her. It was so nice to be able to catch up with her. I love all these things I have been able to do and people I have been able to see. I have so much time to make up for. Even though I am not completely ready, I am still really looking forward to Christmas. I will be able to enjoy hanging out with family and enjoy the food this year too!
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