With moving better I can get in and out of bed much easier and walk a little more. Because of this I no longer need the commode in the bedroom. I am able to use the walker and go to the bathroom and I have enough energy to get there and back. This is obviously great for many reasons. One big thing I am noicing is that the more I move around the pain in my muscles get less and less. They still hurt sometimes when I move certain ways especially the center of my chest. When I run my hand down the center of my sternum there is a section of bone that sticks out a little. If you look at my x-ray you

Big news…I was behind the wheel for the first time in over a year. Courtney wanted to go shopping for furniture for her new apartment and asked me and Jay if we wanted to go with her. We both wanted to go and then Jason said to me, “You should drive there.” At first I was a little apprehensive. I really wanted to drive again and I had been talking about it, but we were driving about forty minutes away. I wasn’t sure if my legs were strong enough to last that long. He pushed me to give it a try saying we can always pull over and switch if I needed to. So I got behind the wheel and pulled out of the driveway. At first it felt a little foreign to me. I was nervous and I felt out of practice. In less than two blocks, however I was comfortable. I was a little surprised how it came back so quickly. It felt so liberating to be able to drive myself. I was so excited because now I can take myself to PT. Being able to drive on my own is gaining back a huge part of my independence. Independence is definitely something that is easy to take for granted until it is gone. Every time I get a little bit of it back I get so excited.
Some more awesome news to report….My spirometry is up to 350 and my incentive spirometry is 1700! The numbers just keep going up and up.
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