Later that night we watched a movie together. It was a little hard to enjoy though because I was constantly being interrupted by having to go pee. Every night I have been getting Lasix injected into me to remove some of the excess water in my lungs. This was driving me crazy. They would give it to me and I would go to the bathroom every ten to fifteen minutes for about two hours! I know this is something that is very important, but it did not make it any less annoying. Especially when I am trying to watch a movie. What made matters worse is I am still weak and need to use the commode for this. I use the toilet during the day, but at night and during Lasix it is still too much work. I have to transfer from the bed, to my wheelchair, to the toilet, back to the wheelchair, and back to bed. That takes a lot out of me.
After she left I talked to her on the phone about when she would be coming to visit the next day. While talking to her I remember my fingernails. They were so long. I asked if she could bring me some nail clippers. She of course brought them for me, but the funny thing was I ended up not needing them. I was able to cut my nails that morning. I mentioned it to OT not sure she would be able to help me, but low and behold they had a pair of nail clippers for me. They have everything there. Haha Anyway, that night we just hung out and watched some TV. She wanted to keep me company since Jason was away. I really didn’t need it because I am so use to being in a hospital alone, but like I said earlier, I was being a little selfish and wanted her around.
Big milestone to mention! Today was the first day since transplant that I did not get a daily x-ray! Every morning they come in with a portable x-ray machine and take a picture of my lungs. Sometimes I have to go down to radiology when they want a better picture, but for the most part it is done in my room. These are taken so the doctors can see how my lungs are healing and to see if and how much fluid is in my lungs. I am sure they are looking at other things too, but those are the two things they talk to me about. The doctor came in and told me that there was not any fluid on my lungs on the previous X-ray so they were giving me a break. I was happy to hear this. It is awesome that the fluid is gone, even better…no Lasix.
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