The coughing that I did the first few days was rough. I blacked out once for a few seconds while on
the phone with Jason, so obviously safer for me to be there. I can't go anywhere in that condition
anyways. It's the second week when I start
to feel better
That Saturday I went with Jason and his family to celebrate
his Uncle's birthday. He picked the
Golden Coral for his birthday dinner. It
was nice to go out, but it is one of those places I will never be going
again. My doctors told me I will not be
able to eat at a buffet after my transplant.
I never cared for buffets to begin with so I was not upset by this. They are so gross. I would still go there sometimes because it
is one of those things I would just put in the back of my mind if someone
suggested it. This time however my
germ-dar was going off like crazy. People
all around me were coughing or sneezing.
They would then proceed to go over to the tables, grab the serving spoon
that everyone else grabs and serve themselves.
I saw a few of the serving spoons fall into the food and for things like
chicken wings, people would just place the tongs right on top with the handle
touching the food. Then I saw someone
refilling one of the chicken wing trays and just dumping the new wings on top
of the old ones. How long have the ones
on the bottom been out? Do they just
keep getting new stuff dumped on them?
Having food sitting out in those things are bad enough. It is the perfect temp for bacteria, but with
the added factor of sitting there for hours?
The few things I mentioned is just scratching the surface when talking
about places like that. So for anyone
with low immune systems... STAY AWAY! I
didn’t care for the place, but I was still happy to be out with his family. It was his mom, uncle, grandma and
grandpa. I hadn't seen them since before

Enough about me bragging about my outings, on a health
note... Pittsburgh called me back and I have been approved to be double
listed! I am not listed there yet, because
I have to go and meet with their team in person. They had to get all my paperwork together and
they will be calling me soon with an appointment. I am excited about this because this could
possibly increase my chances of getting called sooner. Also if I am called in Pittsburgh it is much
closer to home. I don't know if I mentioned
it before so I will again. New York sent
my information to Pittsburgh and UPenn, which is in Philadelphia, PA. I am not going to follow up with UPenn
because it is too far away, however I am thinking about Cleveland clinic. I am going to talk with my transplant team
once this one is set up. I figure one at
a time? Or maybe I should be doing both
at the same time to save time? I don't
know. This is got me thinking now. Maybe I will just call. Again, I will let you know more as I do.
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