I got a portable oxygen concentrator from the oxygen company. When we got to our hotel in Tannersville, PA I hooked it up to use it. It only worked for fifteen minutes! It started beeping and sending out all these alerts. Jason and I tried everything to make it stop. We unplugged it from the wall to see if it was the plug. We took out the battery to see if it was the battery. We tried different outlets to see if it was the outlet. We made sure the hose wasn't kinked, cleaned out the filter, nothing would make it stop. It was too late to call anywhere and get another one. I ended up having to go that night without oxygen. Thankfully I wasn't doing too bad and I was breathing OK, but that night was horrible. I did not get much sleep. I kept falling asleep and waking up because my chest just felt uncomfortable. It was tight and I would wake up feeling like all the air was sucked out of my lungs. I had to take a few deep breaths like I was recovering from sprinting. I set the pillows up so I could sleep sitting. It helped a little, but the lack of oxygen kept pulling me out of my sleep.
The next morning I was coughing pretty bad. I did my treatments and this made me feel a little better. After that we headed for the appointment. While trying to get there we got stuck on the George Washington Bridge for about two hours! We didn't make our 11:00 appointment until about 12:45. I had called ahead and they said they would take me in whenever I got there. I was not the only one that was made late due to the bridge including people that worked there. When we did get there I filled her in on how sick I am becoming. She is pretty worried. Having to use the oxygen all the time and going into the hospital every six weeks was enough for her. She definitely thinks it is time to list me. She told me that I had two tests that were expired and she would like me to repeat them: the ABG and the six minute walk. Not thrilled about the ABG, but once those are done I will be listed! I want to get this done as soon as possible. We have made an appointment to come back May 2nd. Event wise, it was not the best birthday. I won't complain too much because the news makes up for it.
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