Update on what is going on. A few weeks ago I had an angiogram done. They needed to take measurements in my heart so they needed to send a catheter up the vein or artery in my groin until it got to my heart. Because it was an invasive procedure I had to be admitted into the hospital for the day. My grandma brought me because I was going to be under anesthesia. I was also told I would not be able to drive for two to three days after the procedure. We got there around 10:00 and I was put in a room. I was told I had to wait for the doctor to arrive and I was scheduled to have it done at 2:00. They gave me an IV and surprisingly took me down around noon. I waited in the recovery room for about an hour for the doctor and then went in. The procedure itself was not too bad. They gave me a little bit of a sedative and a local where they put the needle in my groin so I felt minimal pain. The doctor talked to me the whole time and was great. He was making jokes with me and told me he was going to bill me for all the educational information he was giving me. I was asking about everything. I wanted to know what he was doing and why he was doing it. I can't really relay much of it back because to be honest a lot of it is a blur to me. I remember a few things he said to me and I remember talking to him, but I don't remember much of the context. Those drugs can really mess with you. lol