A lot has happened over the last week between moving and recovering. Friday I had the port inserted into my chest. The surgery wasn't bad at all. I honestly don't remember most of it. He told me what he was about to do right at the beginning and then the next thing I remember was him saying, "She is done. Just have to clean it up a little bit." During the week the surgeons told me "This is just a minor surgery", "You might feel sore or have some discomfort", "You can go back to regular activities in 24 hours". Umm...not quite. I woke up and was fine while the drugs were still in effect, but once they wore off I definitely felt it. My nurse got me a lortab, but even with that I was having a hard time sitting up to eat. So Friday I just laid in the bed unable to do much. As long as I didn't move it wasn't too bad. The worst part of the whole thing was when I was coughing. Right after the surgery when everything started breaking up...that was the worst. I really wanted to go home on Friday because I wanted to help Jason pack up the last room, but that was not a possibility. He was a little mad that I got the surgery the day before we were planning on moving, but the surgeons told me I would be fine and I really wanted to get it done this admission. If I had waited I would of had to get another picc line my next admission and then get it done. As inconvenient as it was, I think I made the right decision.